.....she of the impacted cop no longer has an impacted crop....but when I went to let them out this morning, she couldn't stand up. 
I've put some food and water close by and hope that she gets a little of each but no one seems to know what's wrong, not even the chicken farmer. Lack of vitiamin D perhaps, genetics perhaps, bad luck for sure.
I'm a bit worried that I've caused it by over massaging her crop or some sort of internal damage by making it move too quickly into her gut
BTW - they all seem to have tiny little black specks on their combs and wattles - mites? I doused them in louse and red mite powder when we had that warm weather so I'dve thought not. Not frost bite as the flesh drops off with frostbite and it's not cold enough for frost bite.

I've put some food and water close by and hope that she gets a little of each but no one seems to know what's wrong, not even the chicken farmer. Lack of vitiamin D perhaps, genetics perhaps, bad luck for sure.

I'm a bit worried that I've caused it by over massaging her crop or some sort of internal damage by making it move too quickly into her gut

BTW - they all seem to have tiny little black specks on their combs and wattles - mites? I doused them in louse and red mite powder when we had that warm weather so I'dve thought not. Not frost bite as the flesh drops off with frostbite and it's not cold enough for frost bite.
