..this is connected to my other thread where things are not looking so good. It turns out I think she's egg bound (as well as the impacted crop - poor mare).
I've been searching the web high and low today and have turned up some interesting stuff which I want to share with you so that you might be spared an unhappy situation like mine....
If you see any of your hens walking around with her tail pulled down, almost tucked between her legs she's struggling to pass an egg, particularly in young birds (mine did this from day 1of trying to lay and I've seen her do it since) so please act as soon as you see.
If it's caught early it's relatively easy to cure. A very gentle feel around her lower tummy might let you feel where the egg is (if it has a shell) and a gentle steam bath on her bum might help it move down and out (shell or no shell). No fingers in or anything like that though. There are quite a few tried and tested egg removal techniques online so I haven't gone into too much detail and failing those, a trip to the vet is very successful. Plus a calcium supplement once they're over the worst, and maybe a diet if the bird's a bit fat (for the older ladies having trouble).
If left untreated, the symptoms will show as some or all of these: falling off the perch, inability to walk, eat, drink, puffed up feathers, panting, tail still tucked under and will lead eventually to death.
Advanced binding is treated in the same way as before but is a lot less likely to be successful as they've normally gone into shock (which is what actually kills them) even if the egg is removed.
I'm sure I haven't covered it all and if I've made any omissions, please feel free to fill in the gaps, or gentle correcting if I've mis-understood something, it's been one of those days....

(Panting is the only symptom not exhibited in Hendrix so far. On the plus side, she laid an egg this pm. It was a very thin shelled effort and broke under her. The yolk was a very odd colour - orangey greyish, no smell, but maybe there's a chance after all)
I've been searching the web high and low today and have turned up some interesting stuff which I want to share with you so that you might be spared an unhappy situation like mine....
If you see any of your hens walking around with her tail pulled down, almost tucked between her legs she's struggling to pass an egg, particularly in young birds (mine did this from day 1of trying to lay and I've seen her do it since) so please act as soon as you see.
If it's caught early it's relatively easy to cure. A very gentle feel around her lower tummy might let you feel where the egg is (if it has a shell) and a gentle steam bath on her bum might help it move down and out (shell or no shell). No fingers in or anything like that though. There are quite a few tried and tested egg removal techniques online so I haven't gone into too much detail and failing those, a trip to the vet is very successful. Plus a calcium supplement once they're over the worst, and maybe a diet if the bird's a bit fat (for the older ladies having trouble).
If left untreated, the symptoms will show as some or all of these: falling off the perch, inability to walk, eat, drink, puffed up feathers, panting, tail still tucked under and will lead eventually to death.
Advanced binding is treated in the same way as before but is a lot less likely to be successful as they've normally gone into shock (which is what actually kills them) even if the egg is removed.
I'm sure I haven't covered it all and if I've made any omissions, please feel free to fill in the gaps, or gentle correcting if I've mis-understood something, it's been one of those days....

(Panting is the only symptom not exhibited in Hendrix so far. On the plus side, she laid an egg this pm. It was a very thin shelled effort and broke under her. The yolk was a very odd colour - orangey greyish, no smell, but maybe there's a chance after all)