i have an allotment in enfield where i live , there are a few plot holders on site that have chooks ,so i thought it would be a good idea to have some of my own ,i've built a realy good coop to hold at least 10 birds and a very good sized run for them,,althouh i only want 6 birds.
but the old boy network of the commity that run the site have told me that i'm not allowed to have chooks and if i buy some put them on my plot i will get banned from the site ,,,
they have changed the rules to suit them selfs on this matter ....!
the ruling at the moment is that no one may buy chooks and bring them onto the site ,,so i arranged for one of the plot holders to give me a few of there chooks as you are only allowed to have a maximum of 10 birds so i thought this would be ok
but not so they still wont let me have them ....
i've tryed contacting the local council to find out there ruling on this matter as it is there site and we rent it from them although it is commity run now and they wont give me a copy of he rules so i cant find out who i need to talk too on this matter ..
so any advise on this matter would be greatfully recived ...
but the old boy network of the commity that run the site have told me that i'm not allowed to have chooks and if i buy some put them on my plot i will get banned from the site ,,,
they have changed the rules to suit them selfs on this matter ....!
the ruling at the moment is that no one may buy chooks and bring them onto the site ,,so i arranged for one of the plot holders to give me a few of there chooks as you are only allowed to have a maximum of 10 birds so i thought this would be ok
i've tryed contacting the local council to find out there ruling on this matter as it is there site and we rent it from them although it is commity run now and they wont give me a copy of he rules so i cant find out who i need to talk too on this matter ..
so any advise on this matter would be greatfully recived ...