Well, we went to Lynda's on Wednesday expecting to bring home Coco and Buttercup, but in the end came home with Coco and Elvis. Lynda thought (and I had to agree) that Buttercup might be a little flighty, especially as my grandson will be showing a great interest in them. One of those 'should have stayed in bed' days, but we made it to Lynda's... eventually. She's such a lovely lady and made us feel so welcome even though we were hours late. We finally got the boys to their new home at around 9.30pm and settled them in by moonlight, our son having borrowed every torch in the house for a camping trip. The next day we were back at the plot at first light and could hear other people's cockerels already crowing. I was slightly worried as I thought Coco might feel a little intimidated. No, Coco thought it was a competition... and one he was determined to win! "That's a very loud cockerel" we said as we left the car and, only as we approached the plot did we realize
yup, it was ours. Fortunately Elvis is the strong, silent type. It's only when you've watched them for a while that you realize that Elvis is quiet because he's usually planning something.
The funniest thing I've seen whilst obsessively watching them these past two days was Coco standing with a dandelion flower hanging out of his mouth like the cow in the Magic Roundabout, then Elvis walking past and, without breaking stride, pinching Coco's flower and eating it before poor Coco even knew it had gone. See what I mean... devious. Elvis is also the first to explore when we gradually allow them into new areas. The second funniest thing I've seen is Coco jumping up and down trying to catch midges, then walking towards the pop hole as if finally off to bed (Elvis had been on the perch for half an hour at this point), before turning around and going back for yet another ten minutes of midge catching attempts.
They've both settled really well and that is in no small part due to Lynda, They both love being around people and rush to the edge of the run when they see someone approach. I can't wait until I dare let them out to roam the plot, I just know they'll be 'helping' me.
Thank you Lynda, they're already bringing us such fun.

The funniest thing I've seen whilst obsessively watching them these past two days was Coco standing with a dandelion flower hanging out of his mouth like the cow in the Magic Roundabout, then Elvis walking past and, without breaking stride, pinching Coco's flower and eating it before poor Coco even knew it had gone. See what I mean... devious. Elvis is also the first to explore when we gradually allow them into new areas. The second funniest thing I've seen is Coco jumping up and down trying to catch midges, then walking towards the pop hole as if finally off to bed (Elvis had been on the perch for half an hour at this point), before turning around and going back for yet another ten minutes of midge catching attempts.
They've both settled really well and that is in no small part due to Lynda, They both love being around people and rush to the edge of the run when they see someone approach. I can't wait until I dare let them out to roam the plot, I just know they'll be 'helping' me.
Thank you Lynda, they're already bringing us such fun.