Right...wee problem. Remember little, sick, frail Dorrit?
Well...she's gone...and in her place we have loud, cocky, bullying...CROWING thing!!
I let the girls out a little early today (5.30am - because the dogs were crying for a wee wee)...anyway...they all came out as normal...but...Dorrit stood at the doorway of her house and did this bizarre crowing thing...OVER...and OVER....and OVER...again!!
Imagine my horror..!!!
Anyway...I'm aware some birds can be noisy, but this was a really weird kind of shriek/crow noise. She's about 23 weeks, I think. What's happening...do you think??
Sex change? she's a he? or is there a chance that because she was let out before light she was just making a warning call??
She's a very small bird...and doesn't look like a boy...although she's very leggy and comby...but she's got NO TAIL FEATHERS whatsoever.
If she continues to make this level of noise I'll have to rehome her...but at this stage I'm hoping it's just teething problems!

Right...wee problem. Remember little, sick, frail Dorrit?

I let the girls out a little early today (5.30am - because the dogs were crying for a wee wee)...anyway...they all came out as normal...but...Dorrit stood at the doorway of her house and did this bizarre crowing thing...OVER...and OVER....and OVER...again!!

Imagine my horror..!!!
Anyway...I'm aware some birds can be noisy, but this was a really weird kind of shriek/crow noise. She's about 23 weeks, I think. What's happening...do you think??
Sex change? she's a he? or is there a chance that because she was let out before light she was just making a warning call??
She's a very small bird...and doesn't look like a boy...although she's very leggy and comby...but she's got NO TAIL FEATHERS whatsoever.
If she continues to make this level of noise I'll have to rehome her...but at this stage I'm hoping it's just teething problems!
