hi everyone
hope someone can help me. i have two chickens, both 2 years old and at the moment am lucky if i get 3 eggs per week and i think they are from just one chicken. one of them has a bald patch just below her vent, eating and drinking normally but not laying. this time last year i was getting 10 - 12 eggs per week. i feed them layer pellets, grit, veg, pasta etc and their run is 15 foot by 5 foot. in every other way they seem fine and happy but i am still a little worried. they both moulted last year. any ideas? thanks
hope someone can help me. i have two chickens, both 2 years old and at the moment am lucky if i get 3 eggs per week and i think they are from just one chicken. one of them has a bald patch just below her vent, eating and drinking normally but not laying. this time last year i was getting 10 - 12 eggs per week. i feed them layer pellets, grit, veg, pasta etc and their run is 15 foot by 5 foot. in every other way they seem fine and happy but i am still a little worried. they both moulted last year. any ideas? thanks