I was surfing the net last night and found a group dedicated to ex-batt owners. I thought i'd join up and see if it was any good.
But my god, in few hours that I have been signed upto it, there as been a HUGE debate over what should happen to ex-batts etc etc.
One guy had said he was rescuing 100 ex-batts so he can sell their eggs. That strikes me as commercial usage, which is not what ex-batts are for. Although he goes on to say how they would be free range.
Can you have 100 as pet status?
Anyway, after a year or so of their eggs being sold off he apparently plans to sell them on again and refresh he's stock.
Within this arguement was what should happen to the hen's when they have been spent, but refuses to accept a chook as a food source.
You can see where this is going I think! (I know I no longer wish to be part of that group, and heaven forbid I should tell them my girl's will be going on my plate at some point).
We all love our girl's dearly, some more passionate than others... but we do all agree that we do what is right for our girl's without fighting about it.
So I would like to thank you all (each and every one of you) for making this the best forum for any chook owner.
You get fun, friendlyness, and advice... whilst also sharing experiences along the way. It is a true honour to part of this group.
Long may we prosper!
But my god, in few hours that I have been signed upto it, there as been a HUGE debate over what should happen to ex-batts etc etc.

One guy had said he was rescuing 100 ex-batts so he can sell their eggs. That strikes me as commercial usage, which is not what ex-batts are for. Although he goes on to say how they would be free range.
Can you have 100 as pet status?
Anyway, after a year or so of their eggs being sold off he apparently plans to sell them on again and refresh he's stock.
Within this arguement was what should happen to the hen's when they have been spent, but refuses to accept a chook as a food source.
You can see where this is going I think! (I know I no longer wish to be part of that group, and heaven forbid I should tell them my girl's will be going on my plate at some point).

We all love our girl's dearly, some more passionate than others... but we do all agree that we do what is right for our girl's without fighting about it.
So I would like to thank you all (each and every one of you) for making this the best forum for any chook owner.
You get fun, friendlyness, and advice... whilst also sharing experiences along the way. It is a true honour to part of this group.
Long may we prosper!