Sorry if I'm raising a recently discussed subject, I'm sure there's a thread on here about weird eggs, but I can't find it.
This afternoon I found a half-size egg. It was laying in a pile of poo, outside in the run. It is medium brown in colour, like my brown Hens lay, not dark like a Marans should be. So, is it a freak small egg from one of the ex-batts/rangers, or a practice egg from one of the Marans, who aren't due to lay until mid-May? One of the Coppers has developed a comb and wattles in the last week, but I'm not sure if she's crouching, as I can't get near her yet.
DH broke it open, and the yolk was perfectly formed, but creamy-white in colour. The white was small and very sturdy, but with a lot of what looked like water with it. I can't post a picture, as I'm on a borrowed lappy with no card-reader and can't find my camera cable.
Anyway, I'll wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Meanwhile, comments welcome.
This afternoon I found a half-size egg. It was laying in a pile of poo, outside in the run. It is medium brown in colour, like my brown Hens lay, not dark like a Marans should be. So, is it a freak small egg from one of the ex-batts/rangers, or a practice egg from one of the Marans, who aren't due to lay until mid-May? One of the Coppers has developed a comb and wattles in the last week, but I'm not sure if she's crouching, as I can't get near her yet.
DH broke it open, and the yolk was perfectly formed, but creamy-white in colour. The white was small and very sturdy, but with a lot of what looked like water with it. I can't post a picture, as I'm on a borrowed lappy with no card-reader and can't find my camera cable.
Anyway, I'll wait to see what tomorrow brings!
