I got home today and found Bossy Chicken AKA Mrs Beeton dead by the door of the shed 
Not really sure what's happened to be honest. I'd been treating them all for lice for a week, as we'd had an outbreak, and had noticed that she was a bit slower over the weekend. However, she was still eating and drinking.
She was one of my original hens, so was about 2.5-3 years old. The old girls had stopped laying regularly, so can't be sure she didn't have an egg-problem.
Then of course, we had the earthquake today, so that could have been enough to send her over the edge?
Anyway, when I found her, all the other hens were with her, even though it was raining hard, and they'd usually be in the shed.
I shall remember her for being incredibly bossy, greedy, nosey, noisy and a pain in the bum when I was cleaning or tidying up in the run. The traits of a perfect chicken.
Goodbye Bossy Chicken

Not really sure what's happened to be honest. I'd been treating them all for lice for a week, as we'd had an outbreak, and had noticed that she was a bit slower over the weekend. However, she was still eating and drinking.
She was one of my original hens, so was about 2.5-3 years old. The old girls had stopped laying regularly, so can't be sure she didn't have an egg-problem.
Then of course, we had the earthquake today, so that could have been enough to send her over the edge?
Anyway, when I found her, all the other hens were with her, even though it was raining hard, and they'd usually be in the shed.
I shall remember her for being incredibly bossy, greedy, nosey, noisy and a pain in the bum when I was cleaning or tidying up in the run. The traits of a perfect chicken.
Goodbye Bossy Chicken
