Im devasted, one of my ex batts has died in the night and Ive no idea why. We've had them almost 3 weeks now, she was fine yesterday morning, feeding from our hands as normal etc, then in the afternoon she put herself to bed in a nesting box. I thought it was strange as she normally lays inbetween 10-11am so went to check on her, she looked at me and left the box, went outside again. Bit later on she was back there, but this time just looked at me wearily as if she'd just woken up.
This morning I let them out and only two greeted me, Ginger was still in the nesting box, obviously died in the night.
Im just worried its something Ive either done or not done, or that its something that could be passed on to the other two, how can I know? The other two seem to be fine. Or is it like my dad says, just one of those things, perhaps thats all she had in her and at least she had a nice ending to her life.
Funny how you get attached to them so quickly
This morning I let them out and only two greeted me, Ginger was still in the nesting box, obviously died in the night.
Im just worried its something Ive either done or not done, or that its something that could be passed on to the other two, how can I know? The other two seem to be fine. Or is it like my dad says, just one of those things, perhaps thats all she had in her and at least she had a nice ending to her life.
Funny how you get attached to them so quickly
