Advice please!!!!!
My first batch of babies are now 16 and 14 weeks
The 'first born' has never got on with any of the others and sleeps at the other end of the perch.
( Tis the psycho one with purple feet if you recall????)
It even tries to nick food out of the cockerels mouth!!!
it's been making sort of honking noises- a bit like a goose ( think pingu)- and I'm getting even more sure it's a boy.
It's fleshy bits are bigger than the 2 younger ones- but it is 2 weeks older- also it's legs are more chunky.....'s a boy isn't it?????

My first batch of babies are now 16 and 14 weeks
The 'first born' has never got on with any of the others and sleeps at the other end of the perch.
( Tis the psycho one with purple feet if you recall????)
It even tries to nick food out of the cockerels mouth!!!

It's fleshy bits are bigger than the 2 younger ones- but it is 2 weeks older- also it's legs are more chunky.....'s a boy isn't it?????
