Well, after trying Cannibal-Stopp, Ukadex, Auntie Mo's big hen trick, and adding leaves, toys and logs to the run, Mabel was still ripping the feathers out of Myrtle's backside. Though it pains me dearly we had to resort to a beak ring.

She was pretty miffed for about an hour, but seemed to be getting used to it after that. The tables turned quite quickly with Myrtle taking food off Mabel, and pecking her beak because she thought she had some food in there. Hopefully not only will it make her forget about the pleasures of feather-plucking, but also bring her down a peg or two.
I did feel bad watching her sniffle and rubbing her beak on the ground, but then I'd see Myrtle turn round and display her bald red raw bum and suddenly remeber why I did it.

She was pretty miffed for about an hour, but seemed to be getting used to it after that. The tables turned quite quickly with Myrtle taking food off Mabel, and pecking her beak because she thought she had some food in there. Hopefully not only will it make her forget about the pleasures of feather-plucking, but also bring her down a peg or two.
I did feel bad watching her sniffle and rubbing her beak on the ground, but then I'd see Myrtle turn round and display her bald red raw bum and suddenly remeber why I did it.