Well, I gave up smoking ... AGAIN! (4th time in last 3 years)
So far my trials include...
Our much loved guinea pig dying (fair enough a happy pig at 7 YO)
Then...Yesterday afternoon at 5.30pm a fox got into the garden and fatally wounded Hinge....10 yds from our kitchen door, where wife was cooking tea... So, I had to take a distressed Brackett (accompanied by my two upset children) to a friends' chickens run. (so no doubt she is being bullied and pecked establishing herself there this morning).
Been wearing NRT patches that give me horrific nightmares.,...so two hours of sleep....felt empty and sad with no animals to see to when I opened the curtain at 5.30 am to discover.....
...that the badger, that has set up home under the neighbour but one's decking, has once again dug up my lawn shi*ting around as it went....I did tell the fool not to let the thing settle months ago...so now I can't grow my sweetcorn here or at the allotment either. (absolute plague of badgers there) and no doubt my children can risk TB, tapeworms and vile's disease just playing in our garden.
A reasonable amount of foxes and badgers is fine in the woods... but epidemic numbers pressing into communities is ludicrous, they are vermin.... just like politicians....it is time for a cull I'd say....particularly of the politicians.
Not a happy chappy me....now I must go and face the dead chicken in my workshop... Lord help anyone who upsets me today.
I suppose as I don't have an expense account with which to squander public money; I can just spend the tax money I save on smoking on electric fencing.
So far my trials include...
Our much loved guinea pig dying (fair enough a happy pig at 7 YO)
Then...Yesterday afternoon at 5.30pm a fox got into the garden and fatally wounded Hinge....10 yds from our kitchen door, where wife was cooking tea... So, I had to take a distressed Brackett (accompanied by my two upset children) to a friends' chickens run. (so no doubt she is being bullied and pecked establishing herself there this morning).

Been wearing NRT patches that give me horrific nightmares.,...so two hours of sleep....felt empty and sad with no animals to see to when I opened the curtain at 5.30 am to discover.....

...that the badger, that has set up home under the neighbour but one's decking, has once again dug up my lawn shi*ting around as it went....I did tell the fool not to let the thing settle months ago...so now I can't grow my sweetcorn here or at the allotment either. (absolute plague of badgers there) and no doubt my children can risk TB, tapeworms and vile's disease just playing in our garden.

A reasonable amount of foxes and badgers is fine in the woods... but epidemic numbers pressing into communities is ludicrous, they are vermin.... just like politicians....it is time for a cull I'd say....particularly of the politicians.
Not a happy chappy me....now I must go and face the dead chicken in my workshop... Lord help anyone who upsets me today.

I suppose as I don't have an expense account with which to squander public money; I can just spend the tax money I save on smoking on electric fencing.