Sorry!Seems to be one question after another at the mo!
As you possibly have read,out of the four chicks we hatched at home,three are little boys.
Andi has a friend who has a friend that hatched eggs under a broody hen & only one hatched.He's a little worried it will get bored/lonely & wondered if he could have one of our little boy chicks to pop with it.
Would it work?I know you can supposedly sneak day olds under,but would Mother hen object to one that's almost a week old being put with her?

As you possibly have read,out of the four chicks we hatched at home,three are little boys.
Andi has a friend who has a friend that hatched eggs under a broody hen & only one hatched.He's a little worried it will get bored/lonely & wondered if he could have one of our little boy chicks to pop with it.
Would it work?I know you can supposedly sneak day olds under,but would Mother hen object to one that's almost a week old being put with her?