Hello everyone
I am going to be getting 3 ex-battery hens on 5 June
I am really excited but just wanted to check that my plans for them are OK or is there any other advice anyone can give, please.
I only have a small backyard (think Coronation Street style). I am getting a 6ftx6ftx6ft run built with half-inch square weldmesh on the sides and over the top. I will put a roof on myself- half bitumen/onduline type stuff and half clear plastic. I am getting an old rabbit hutch from freecycle and I intend to build this up a bit so there is more headroom for the chooks.
The pen will be half on flags and half on soil ( I am currently digging out my favourite flowers/plants to put in pots in the yard to save them from a chickeny death!). I intend to cover the flags with aubiose or woodchip and leave the soil bare for the hens to scratch in.
Does this sound OK so far? What would I use to keep the soil bit of the run 'sweet'?
The other option would be to cover the whole run with weed membrane and woodchip the whole lot, although it seems a shame to deprive the hens of soil to scratch for the first time in their lives.
Also, this is a shopping list I have come up with from doing some reading. I 'd be grateful if you someone could let me know if I've forgotten anything!
Feeder, drinker, layers mash, some corn (for a treat in the afternoons).
Bedding (aubiose?) for the coop and shredded kitchen roll for the nest box.
Poultry shield and diamotous earth for cleaning the coop.
Sand and DE for putting in a dustbath.
Poultry spice or some other extra vitamin-y thing to perk them up a bit.
Stalosan F for sprinkling in coop and run to keep the smell down.
What do I buy to treat fleas and lice? Do I need to sprinkle redmite powder as well as DE in the coop and next box and dustbath?
I've been reading stuff on 'enrichment' too so I'll be hanging cabbages in hanging baskets/using mirrors/cds/millet sprigs etc to give them something constructive to do.
Sorry this is such a long first post, but I just want to start off on the right foot and give the hens a lovely retirement home! Thanks for any advice anyone can give.
I am going to be getting 3 ex-battery hens on 5 June

I only have a small backyard (think Coronation Street style). I am getting a 6ftx6ftx6ft run built with half-inch square weldmesh on the sides and over the top. I will put a roof on myself- half bitumen/onduline type stuff and half clear plastic. I am getting an old rabbit hutch from freecycle and I intend to build this up a bit so there is more headroom for the chooks.
The pen will be half on flags and half on soil ( I am currently digging out my favourite flowers/plants to put in pots in the yard to save them from a chickeny death!). I intend to cover the flags with aubiose or woodchip and leave the soil bare for the hens to scratch in.
Does this sound OK so far? What would I use to keep the soil bit of the run 'sweet'?
The other option would be to cover the whole run with weed membrane and woodchip the whole lot, although it seems a shame to deprive the hens of soil to scratch for the first time in their lives.
Also, this is a shopping list I have come up with from doing some reading. I 'd be grateful if you someone could let me know if I've forgotten anything!
Feeder, drinker, layers mash, some corn (for a treat in the afternoons).
Bedding (aubiose?) for the coop and shredded kitchen roll for the nest box.
Poultry shield and diamotous earth for cleaning the coop.
Sand and DE for putting in a dustbath.
Poultry spice or some other extra vitamin-y thing to perk them up a bit.
Stalosan F for sprinkling in coop and run to keep the smell down.
What do I buy to treat fleas and lice? Do I need to sprinkle redmite powder as well as DE in the coop and next box and dustbath?
I've been reading stuff on 'enrichment' too so I'll be hanging cabbages in hanging baskets/using mirrors/cds/millet sprigs etc to give them something constructive to do.
Sorry this is such a long first post, but I just want to start off on the right foot and give the hens a lovely retirement home! Thanks for any advice anyone can give.