Originally posted by nmayhew
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New - advice please!
Hi everyone
Thanks for all the advice! The pen has arrived and is waiting to be screwed together, the hutch is painted, easibed is arriving on Thursday for the run, the food is arriving tomorrow and poultry spice, poultry shield etc were delivered today so it is all systems go for the rest of the week until the hens arrive on Friday!
I bought some stuff called garich which is a combination of ACV and garlic to put in their water. Boy, it stinks even though I haven't unsealed the container yet - methinks that will be stored outside ....... lol!
I've decided to cover the roof of the run with tarpaulin as they are cheaper than onduline etc and I can carry a tarp on my bicycle - I have blagged as many lifts from neighbours as I feel comfortable with recently and can't face asking anyone to take me to Wickes for onduline roofing. The run gets lots of sun in the morning but in the afternoon at least two-thirds of it is shaded so the chooks shouldn't get too hot in there.
And I am going to grow beans and cucumbers up the outside of the run (if the hens don't destroy them lol).
Oooooh I am so excited. Why isn't it Friday already?!
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