My 2 girls have mycoplasma and have seen the VET and he initially prescribed Doxycycline
I have contacted DEFRA for information and have spoken to a vet in my local Animal Health Department and have been advised any POL chickens that use any antibiotic- 'eggs any time after that are not for human consumption'.
Did you guys know that? There is not a poultry antibiotic in the UK that can be treated for POL and human egg consumption after.
Currently my 2 pekins are pullets and I bought them from Salisbury Poultry Auction - are there any regulations with poultry at auctions? Are there regulations that birds should be vaccinated before they are brought to auction.
Ive left them at the vets with the intentions of them being euthanised, but the vet said to wait as he wanted to do some more research, even if they are treated they can be carriers. My POL seem fine at the moment and we are to observe them if we treat them as a precaution then we cannot ever eat there eggs, but I have 18 eggs in the incubator that I bought at auction as well. Are they at risk?
Answers please as Im back at the vets tomorrow. What do large breeders and commercial breeders do when they have mycoplasma.
I have contacted DEFRA for information and have spoken to a vet in my local Animal Health Department and have been advised any POL chickens that use any antibiotic- 'eggs any time after that are not for human consumption'.
Did you guys know that? There is not a poultry antibiotic in the UK that can be treated for POL and human egg consumption after.
Currently my 2 pekins are pullets and I bought them from Salisbury Poultry Auction - are there any regulations with poultry at auctions? Are there regulations that birds should be vaccinated before they are brought to auction.
Ive left them at the vets with the intentions of them being euthanised, but the vet said to wait as he wanted to do some more research, even if they are treated they can be carriers. My POL seem fine at the moment and we are to observe them if we treat them as a precaution then we cannot ever eat there eggs, but I have 18 eggs in the incubator that I bought at auction as well. Are they at risk?
Answers please as Im back at the vets tomorrow. What do large breeders and commercial breeders do when they have mycoplasma.