Oh no! I have just checked my e-mails to find that the person I had bought a chicken house off on ebay has been made redundant so no more chicken houses are being made. I thought something funny was going on as I had to chase it up twice. I had an e-mail at the beginnng of the week saying the house was being posted the next day but that was obviously a lie.
The chickens are ex-batts due to arrive on Friday!
Luckily I have a patched up rabbit hutch and a jigsaw and some old shelves so I am going to have a bash today at putting something together. But I'm gutted. I've got my money back but it's the inconvenience and horror of logging on to find your chickens may be homeless! Boo hoo.
Well I'd better not sit around here on my ass then - better get moving and rev up the jigsaw ....
The chickens are ex-batts due to arrive on Friday!
Luckily I have a patched up rabbit hutch and a jigsaw and some old shelves so I am going to have a bash today at putting something together. But I'm gutted. I've got my money back but it's the inconvenience and horror of logging on to find your chickens may be homeless! Boo hoo.
Well I'd better not sit around here on my ass then - better get moving and rev up the jigsaw ....
