Collected our 3 new ex-batts (Orchid, Lily and Primrose) last night and as it was still early popped them in a small run on their own. After the older 3 had gone to bed the newbies were also put in the coop, all 6 sprayed with a light vinegar solution and settled down. Went out an hour later and all ladies asleep. Got up earlier than usual to let them out. Oldies came out and newbies stayed in until one of the oldies went into the coop and turned them out. There has been a bit of pecking but not too much, it's mainly centred on Orchid the bravest of the 3 newbies. They've pecked at the grass, drunk loads of water but not interested in the ground up pellets although the oldies have said thanks very much, we prefer this to our usual. AND 'whispers so Maureen doesn't hear' we've had 3 eggs from them this morning. Smaller than the older girls lay but the hens are much smaller too.
