I'm really enjoying this chicken lark, so the next obvious thing is ducks. What sort are the best to keep as layers and to look pretty? I quite like the look of Silver Appleyards. Any good in the laying department? I can't find much information on them. Also someone at the lotties said they used to keep Welsh Harlequins, I've never even heard of them, but I have to admit they sound nice. This is probably next spring's project so there's plenty of time.... but then it did take me the best part of two years to take the plunge with chickens.
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Hello Duck?
Silver Appleyards are great all rounders (meat and eggs) mine are S.As and lay respectably but were late starters I expect will get about 175-225 per year from them but don't know how that compares with the average - days are so short in the winter here though, if you really want layers Khaki Cambells are good and Runners are more than respectable and while all the books say runners don't need a pond they do love it and look very ellegant in the water (I have two girls)....
I think theres a pic or two of some of my ducks in the albums on my page.....Last edited by CoraxAurata; 09-06-2009, 07:26 PM.
Originally posted by bluemoon View PostI'm really enjoying this chicken lark, so the next obvious thing is ducks. What sort are the best to keep as layers and to look pretty? I quite like the look of Silver Appleyards. Any good in the laying department? I can't find much information on them. Also someone at the lotties said they used to keep Welsh Harlequins, I've never even heard of them, but I have to admit they sound nice. This is probably next spring's project so there's plenty of time.... but then it did take me the best part of two years to take the plunge with chickens.
If you are totally after eggs and not meat, I would stick to the Khaki Campbells, they aren't as pretty, but they lay more for the same feed.2 other breeds I get confused which are the big ones and which are smaller, Cayuga and Black East Indian. I had a few of the larger kind. They are glossy green-tinged-black, similar size to the Appleyards and Harlequins, and according to the books, similar laying capacity, but the eggs are classic 'duck egg green'. Unfortunately the only time we got a visit from a fox, guess what he took a fancy to.....Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.
I've had Khaki Campbells. nice ducks as long as you understand what you are taking on when you get them.
They are messy and will happily root around in any soil/grass and dig it up. I used to give mine water and they love making a mess in that. The tip is to get a kids sandpit (one of the hard ones) and clean/refill it everyday, otherwise it stinks.
They hate to go into a house at night, none of this lovely chickens do it themselves stuff! This will be 2 people chasing them round the garden for as long as it takes to get them in. And you have to get them in, otherwise Mr fox will.
They do lay virtually every day thoughBUT! they also poo everywhere, which means all over your eggs and the eggs are porous, not a good mix. They also lay everywhere.......... and I mean everywhere, not in the nest boxes like chucks.
TBH I found them hard work. And now I stick to chickens."Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"
Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.
The size of pond you can provide for them might help determine your choices. I got runner ducks recently and they were pretty good layers and good value entertainment, but did tend to get freaked out easily, not the most laid-back of characters. They do come in a range of colours though, and if you hatch them yourself they can be very tame. If I had a pond I would love to get some Welsh Harlequins, they are very pretty. Silver Appleyards are good dual-purpose ducks. Have a look at Saxony ducks too.
Lots of ducks here!
Dwell simply ~ love richly
Oh yes and don't get a Campbell drake!
Not unless you want a sex crazed duck chasing anything on two legs round the garden."Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"
Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.
Originally posted by CoraxAurata View PostNearly all drakes are sex crazed - the trick is having lots of girls to spread his attentions more thinly....Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.
I would love ducks but pointless really, I'm seriously allergic to duck eggs - anaphalaxia allergicHayley B
John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at http://www.justgiving.com/Mac4x4TeamDuke'
An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life
Originally posted by CoraxAurata View PostNearly all drakes are sex crazed - the trick is having lots of girls to spread his attentions more thinly...."Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"
Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.
Originally posted by womble View PostYeah, but ducks weren't enough for mine, my chickens used to sit on top of piles of stones so he couldn't get to them. He had some ambition that drake, I'll give him that, my DD was afraid of him, I was almost happy the day he escaped
I have solved the problem (for all the girls S.a., runner and Muscovy) the girls can get out of the new run and the boys can't... they don't approve though <g>
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