We're coming to the end of day 2 in the sin bin for my broody. I put her in it for 4 days last year but let her sleep in the coop at night as I didn't have a secure run and I gave in before she did. In the end after 3/4 weeks she got back to normal. Since then she has been broody again but I just turfed her off the nest and she has returned to normal eventually. Unfortunately can't do that this time as she attacks the 3 new ex-batts horribly and I want them to settle in. So we are back to the sin bin. She has water and food and the cage is on bricks to allow air to circulate under her. I now have a secure run so can leave her in the cage at night. (Didn't stop me getting up in the night to check her though.) How long does the sin bin usually take to work?
