Hi Everyone, and thankyou for all your replies earlier.
After looking into things a lot we now have 3 Light Sussex hens
. We picked them up on Monday evening. They are very cute- 11 weeks old (so a bit of a wait for eggs, but plenty of time to get to know them). They came straight out of the coop when I opened it on Tuesday morning- not at all cautious! I'm sure I will regret saying this when they are bigger , but, they are really really quiet?! They make little squeaks, and are far quieter than the birds in the garden!
We haven't named them yet, we are having a "choose the names" day at the weekend.
We are planning on letting them have more access to the garden this weekend- I am very excited!
After looking into things a lot we now have 3 Light Sussex hens

We haven't named them yet, we are having a "choose the names" day at the weekend.
We are planning on letting them have more access to the garden this weekend- I am very excited!