Here are my chickens(starting from the top of the pecking order)..........
Charity-Warren 1 year old
Hope-Warren 1 year old
Hanzel-Rhode Island Red 10 months old
Gretal-Rhode Island Red 10 months old
Flower-Light Sussex 10 months old
Worzel-Barred Plymouth Rock 21 weeks old
Easter-Lavander Auracona 21 weeks old
I would love to here about your chickens

Here are my chickens(starting from the top of the pecking order)..........
Charity-Warren 1 year old
Hope-Warren 1 year old
Hanzel-Rhode Island Red 10 months old
Gretal-Rhode Island Red 10 months old
Flower-Light Sussex 10 months old
Worzel-Barred Plymouth Rock 21 weeks old
Easter-Lavander Auracona 21 weeks old
I would love to here about your chickens
