One of my chooks who hatched 4 chicks and the fox got her before the chicks were grown up. The chicks adopted another hen as mother and after rehoming 3 of the chicks she and the remaining pullet are firm friends. The hen stopped laying after the fox attack and has shown no inclination to lay again. She looks well, her comb is big and red. However she has had runny poos for ages - quite exposive from the distance they go from her perch at night. I wormed all 3 with the flubenvet on grape trick for 7 days and nothing changed. I have added flubenvet to their layers pellets, but they hardly eat them. I leave them in the run for the 1st hour of the day and they may have a little and then perch and wait for me to let them out to free range. I suspect the blackbird is well wormed by now as he eats more layers pellets than the chooks do. Can anybody suggest anything? I am mindful of the warnings that diarrhoea is a bad sign. 
On the positive side I had 3 eggs in the incubator (the ones that weren't duff when candled.) 2 hatched last night
and we put them under the hen who is still sitting on 4 eggs set at the same time as the inci eggs. They are showing no signs of hatching and haven't been candled. Mum has accepted the babies and is still sitting on the eggs.

On the positive side I had 3 eggs in the incubator (the ones that weren't duff when candled.) 2 hatched last night
