Not runs as in the smelly kind
...similar question to Snadgers,but a lil different!
At present we have our ten Isa's in their own run/coop,marigold & Dandelion & their five babies in another and then the eight at home.
They are now(I think)six weeks old.
How do you think is the best way forward?
We're thinking of putting the older girls back in their old run & six weeks long enough rest for it?Then the plan was to put D&M & their chicks in where the Isa's are now & the chicks from home can have the broody run.
But now wondering whether it would be better to move D&M alone into the at present Isa run & put all the chicks together...would they fight too badly?or at that age should it be fairly harmless?
Dandelion & Marigold seem to have absolutely no motherly feelings anymore
and in fact yesterday were establishing their place in the pecking order...don't think they would have hurt the chicks,but were definately letting them know they didn't appreciate them under their feet all day!
The hopeful plan at the end of it all is that D&M will be housed with the new girlie chicks...think all hell would let loose if they went back with the others,but would it be easier to first introduce the chicks at a younger age to each other & then when D&M are re~introduced,they may have size on their side,but the chicks will have numbers.(I'm assuming it would be unwise to put the chicks at home in with Dandelion & Marigold?
Sorry for the waffle...couldn't think of a shorter way to put it!But would be good to hear your suggestions!

At present we have our ten Isa's in their own run/coop,marigold & Dandelion & their five babies in another and then the eight at home.
They are now(I think)six weeks old.
How do you think is the best way forward?
We're thinking of putting the older girls back in their old run & six weeks long enough rest for it?Then the plan was to put D&M & their chicks in where the Isa's are now & the chicks from home can have the broody run.
But now wondering whether it would be better to move D&M alone into the at present Isa run & put all the chicks together...would they fight too badly?or at that age should it be fairly harmless?
Dandelion & Marigold seem to have absolutely no motherly feelings anymore

The hopeful plan at the end of it all is that D&M will be housed with the new girlie chicks...think all hell would let loose if they went back with the others,but would it be easier to first introduce the chicks at a younger age to each other & then when D&M are re~introduced,they may have size on their side,but the chicks will have numbers.(I'm assuming it would be unwise to put the chicks at home in with Dandelion & Marigold?
Sorry for the waffle...couldn't think of a shorter way to put it!But would be good to hear your suggestions!