Has anyone tried this???
I've been reading up that the spurs need to be softened daily with olive oil for a few days and them lightly trimmed- but not too short as they will bleed.
I'm thinking of doing this because when we get our Marans, the lads may need to grip on with the spurs to climb aboard the bigger gals- and I don't want them injured.
Since the teenagers have 'gone' the lads are calming down a bit, but have certainly become a bit more protective of the gals- and have started to square up to me if the gals aren't happy about something ( ie being chucked out of the nesting box when broody and sitting on nothing!!!!)
One of the lads did do the double jump at me so it's got me wondering....
I'm quite happy to have a go- I used to clip bunny claws and teeth()- how far into the spur does the circulation go????
Any advice is most welcome!!!!! Ta!!
I've been reading up that the spurs need to be softened daily with olive oil for a few days and them lightly trimmed- but not too short as they will bleed.
I'm thinking of doing this because when we get our Marans, the lads may need to grip on with the spurs to climb aboard the bigger gals- and I don't want them injured.
Since the teenagers have 'gone' the lads are calming down a bit, but have certainly become a bit more protective of the gals- and have started to square up to me if the gals aren't happy about something ( ie being chucked out of the nesting box when broody and sitting on nothing!!!!)
One of the lads did do the double jump at me so it's got me wondering....
I'm quite happy to have a go- I used to clip bunny claws and teeth()- how far into the spur does the circulation go????
Any advice is most welcome!!!!! Ta!!