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Oh no


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  • Oh no

    lost two of mu three chickens in 3 weeks. An feeling terrible. olive was always the scrawniest but was the funniest. Then Myrtle the biggest stopped laying and went into moult. Last night she didn't want to go in. This morningstill in same place. We panicked but up she got and started to drink as normal. Came in from work, and she was in same place. Picked her up to give her a good going over. No bad vent, no sour smell, eyes clear etc. !5 mins later died. Rubbish start to the weekend and am now very worried as I have one chicken left on it's own which I know is not a good idea.

  • #2

    They've not got red mite in the coop have they????

    How long have you had them?.

    ..poor little one left on it's own..must be feeling very stressed being on it's on???
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      Have used poultry shield every single week since we had them and have not seen any evidence at all. The single remaining one - big bertha was always the healthiest looking of the three and she is going great guns. All three had been dusted regularly as well.
      Just don't know...
      Now, what do I do? get 2 more ex-batts - or 2 others or just give up?
      What does anyone think?


      • #4
        So sorry for you but don't give up. keep up with the poultry shield [make sure you are using it correctly & getting a good soak in ALL the nooks & crannies inside and out the shed]


        • #5
          2 more...ASAP!!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            DON'T GIVE UP!
            I'm really sorry to hear about your girls and can sympathise 100% as I've lost 3 in just over a week. Ex-batts are really at a disadvantage from Day 1 but just think of the good time they've had with you. This sort of thing does sadly happen but it's awful if they're your first chooks.
            Give Bertha lots of ((((hugs)))) and ((((hug)))) for you too.


            • #7
              As Sue says, don't give up. I lost 3 earlier this year and felt like that to. I thought it was something I was doing wrong but the vet explained to me that these battery girls are pumped full of goodness knows what to make them lay the maximun eggs in one year and it's a wonder they get any life at all once they come out of the cage. Just think what a happy time they had with you and get at least another one hen (or 2 or 3) ASAP. ((((big hug))))


              • #8
                Please Raine, whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP!!!! Get some more girls as soon as you can, Bertha will be so lonely without any chooky mates around even though she's still got you.

                Are there any rescue centres near you? I'm thinking of places like Brambles who take in chickens that are surplus to requirements or where the owners just can't cope with them any more. They need re-homing almost as much as ex-batts.

                Don't be hard on yourself, we all know that we do the very best we can for our chooks, and she did die with you and not go away and hide. {{{{{{{{{{{{{huggles}}}}}}}}}}}}}
                My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                • #9
                  Thank you, your comments are very important to me as I am worrying that I'm doing something wrong even though I did my research before I got them. Thing is, I had to wait ages to get my three and I'm worried about Big Bertha being on her own for that amount of time. What do you think?


                  • #10
                    Put an advert in the paper or on Freecycle explaining what's happened and ask if anyone's got a couple of chooks spare. Alternatively, contact your nearest BHWT co-ordinator and ask if they've got any leftovers from the last rescue if the next one is still quite a while away
                    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                    • #11
                      There's also Little Hen Rescue, Hen Rehomers and I think the RSPCA also sometimes have hens.


                      • #12
                        Ok- that'll be my job for tomorrow. Do you think that I'll have any bullying problems with it being 2 against 1?


                        • #13
                          Raine I don't know, but I'd have thought that as it's her territory and she'll be in a healthier state than the two coming out of the battery farm, you'll have less of a problem.

                          Just to say I'm really sorry to hear what's happened to you. Their little bodies are exhausted when they come to us, and the hot weather we've had recently, coupled with less rest thanks to the short nights, really hasn't helped them


                          • #14
                            as others have said she'll need some new mates asap.....sorry about your 2 but as others have said at least they were able to be chickens for the time you had them,
                            The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                            • #15
                              When my original girls were stolen from the allotment , the thieves left one behind. She lived at home with us through the winter and after I got the ex-batts a couple of months later, I bought a POL Amber Link to live with Chucky. They lived quite harmoniously in their own hut until they decided to move in with the ex-batts. So if you can get some soon that's ok but don't panic if there's a bit of a wait.
                              If Bertha is top hen anyway you shouldn't have any problems introducing new girls as she's already top hen in residence.


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