I would love to keep all my cockerels and hens but allotment rules say we can't!
I can understand this as it's in a built up area so I need to cull my self hatched cockerels.
I've culled the second one today and it was a different kettle of fish to the first one. This was a BIG bird.
I hung him upside down by his feet and stretched his neck, but unlike the first one I COULDN'T break his neck. The amount of pressure I put on I knew he was dead and I held him until he stopped flapping.
Also when I came to prepare him I couldn't cut through the sternum as it was solid bone, not the cartilage of a young bird.
I have watched utube video's on 'butterflying' the chicken, but these are done with Tesco's chickens which are barely a month old. This auld guy was 18 weeks old and a different proposition all together.
I still have two more to cull at some time in the future and fear it may have to be sooner than later.
I would like to keep my best Light Sussex and my best Faverolle cockeral if possible and hope that by showing willing and culling the others I am at least making an effort which will keep the allotment committee off my back.
I know other plotholders have cockerels as well but realise two wrongs don't make a right.
If I can whittle them down to two, I'll just try and wait until there's any complaints (hopefully not) and take it from there.

I can understand this as it's in a built up area so I need to cull my self hatched cockerels.
I've culled the second one today and it was a different kettle of fish to the first one. This was a BIG bird.
I hung him upside down by his feet and stretched his neck, but unlike the first one I COULDN'T break his neck. The amount of pressure I put on I knew he was dead and I held him until he stopped flapping.
Also when I came to prepare him I couldn't cut through the sternum as it was solid bone, not the cartilage of a young bird.
I have watched utube video's on 'butterflying' the chicken, but these are done with Tesco's chickens which are barely a month old. This auld guy was 18 weeks old and a different proposition all together.
I still have two more to cull at some time in the future and fear it may have to be sooner than later.
I would like to keep my best Light Sussex and my best Faverolle cockeral if possible and hope that by showing willing and culling the others I am at least making an effort which will keep the allotment committee off my back.
I know other plotholders have cockerels as well but realise two wrongs don't make a right.
If I can whittle them down to two, I'll just try and wait until there's any complaints (hopefully not) and take it from there.