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Rabbit hutch...broody coop?


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  • Rabbit hutch...broody coop?

    Just got an email from Netto with offers..............rabbit hutch seems like a bargain?????????

    Thur, Jul 16th
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper

  • #2
    Wow!!! Where's my nearest Netto???????????????? Think Becci might like one of those too
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Yes a bargain, but not that big, methinks. It's difficult to gauge the size but I suspect that even used for a broody coop, it would need an extra run attached once the chicks are about a week old. And I would think it's too small to be comfortable for rabbits. Our rescue rabbits are in a hutch attached to a 12 by 12 foot run.


      • #4
        Think I'd be tempted too. They look like the things sold at our local pet shop as rabbit runs rather than hutches and I don't think the pop-hole bit has a door, but the nest area does have a floor. They used to charge �29.99 for them too, which I thought was a bargain and I'd lined one up as a broody coop, but the last time I was there they were charging �49.99. Don't know how they justify a 66% price rise as the new ones are exactly the same. Anyway, my thoughts are; definitely not worth the �50 from the pet shop as you could make something for far less, but probably worth �30 from Netto, just to save the hassle.
        Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


        • #5
          On the front page there is a lrge plastic dog kennel - perfect for my ducklings, been looking on ebay and there are much more expensive.

          Becareful with the ark they are quite small.

          Thanks Snadger Im off to netto Thursday


          • #6
            ok - slightly different styling, but exactly what we use for broody coops. Got ours from Pets at home for �40 - make damn good broody coops for the bantams, can even keep a couple of Pekins in there short term as well if you are trying to breed true.

            They probably arent much cop in the winter as the plywood is very thin and they are very much on theground, but as a summer broody - cant fault them. Just dont try squeezing a Cochin in there as they dont fit!
            My Blog


            • #7
              I went to Netto today to get one of the kennels and they didnt have any of the things that are on the offer .... really frustrated, never been to Netto and wont bother again


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