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  • Intergration

    Hi had three bantams together for a few months then the two light sussex went broody I hatched eggs underneath them one had two the other had 4 they where kept seperate the two broodies and their chicks recently( 3 days ago) where put next to each other but seperated by mesh and in different houses. I want to inergrate them and get them all in house maybe including the third bantam that never hatched any eggs. Any hints tips or advice would be appreciated as I dont want anything to happen to the chicks

  • #2
    Try it and see. Broodies will fight each other if they get close to each other's chicks so make sure their run is large enough to allow them all plenty of ranging space so they can avoid each other. Don't know old your chicks are but they should all get along ok. It will be the hens that squabble, although Light Sussex are fairly placid (I have them too). If fighting is really bad and chicks are in danger of getting squashed or pecked by fighting mums then you will have to separate until the 6 week mark, where protective instincts become less as the chicks are more independent by then.


    • #3
      Thanks Richmond they are about six weeks so I'll give it a try. What do you think about putting the third one back in it is a black Wynadotte


      • #4
        I think they should all be fine together. There will be the inevitable re-establishing of the pecking order but as long as the squabbling doesn't get out of hand they'll be ok.


        • #5
          nothing but trouble. The mom of one both sets will go up the ramp to the house but only one set of chicks will actually go up the ramp(the others never used ramp before) I caught them and put them in the house whilst mum pecked me then lifted the ramp we'll see what tomorrow brings


          • #6
            Keep persevering. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for them to get used to where they should go.

            Are these three hens, plus the chicks, the only ones you have? Is this the only run/house or do you have any others? If the chicks are 6 weeks then technically they are old enough to leave mum anyway, so all the chicks could be separated off into a grower pen together, and the mums put back with the main flock.


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