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I can't believe it's happened again


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  • #16
    Heres hoping - so which ones have been stolen and I will keep my eyes out at all the auctions - I'm at every one everytime its on - a good photo will be nice can take it with me
    My Blog


    • #17
      Gutted for you. Can't say anything else to make you feel better so I won't try.


      • #18
        Bramble - Jennie or Mike? There are no rings or microchips. They are the birds on my post Plus 5. The only one really unusual one is the Wernlas Olive as I believe they have only just started selling them. However she is quite undistinguished looking - think she's probably hybrisd of Cuckoo maran and cream legbar or araucana and has the blurred barring you'd expect but shows a bit of a crest appearing
        It's all 5 which have gone.
        I'd be really grateful if you could look out for them. Best photos are on Plus5 but could email them straight to you?
        Last edited by Suechooks; 17-07-2009, 08:46 AM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
 hoping one of them fell and broke a leg!

          Aim higher Sue! I hope the begars broke their necks falling in the holes.

          I don't think you can blame yourself in any way. As Sarz said, your address on here is just much too vague.

          Are there any shortcuts through your allotments? If so, then many people would see your beautiful chooks. I hope, if they've been stolen to order, that they will end up in a nice place with loving owners.

          Just a thought, but would the local paper run a piece about it? If people saw a newspaper article about stolen chooks you might get prospective buyers being very watchful as to where their new birds came from.

          Last edited by julesapple; 17-07-2009, 08:47 AM.

          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


          • #20
            I hope they did too!! In fact I wish worse things than a broken leg on them. I keep table birds and the loss of them would be financial but my old laying hens are my "girls" and I love them dearly. I would cheerfully murder anyone I found stealing them!!!!!
            Have you not got room for a few hens at home? I have some bantam pullets which I would happily give to you (if I could get them to you!)
            They take very little room and could be kept in a small ark on the lawn. Yours if you want them.


            • #21
              I'm so sorry to hear about this - and a second time - it must be absolutely horrible for you. It's one of my great fears - theives or foxes. Mine are only (no such things as only when you love them) hybrids but since we got them I keep my back gate (6ft high in a 6 ft fence) locked and go out the front way.
              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

     Updated March 9th - Spring


              • #22
                Originally posted by Polly Fouracre View Post
                I hope they did too!! In fact I wish worse things than a broken leg on them. I keep table birds and the loss of them would be financial but my old laying hens are my "girls" and I love them dearly. I would cheerfully murder anyone I found stealing them!!!!!
                Have you not got room for a few hens at home? I have some bantam pullets which I would happily give to you (if I could get them to you!)
                They take very little room and could be kept in a small ark on the lawn. Yours if you want them.
                Thanks Polly that's really kind - making me cry again! However keeping them at home really isn't an option. I have only very small area - about 30' square and surrounded by houses with equally small gardens - so too close for comfort. I always wanted to keep chooks and the lottie seemed the ideal opportunity. However I'm now having serious doubts. It's the heartbreak of finding the gates and doors open when i get there in the morning. First time was bad enough - this time ...........


                • #23
                  I take it this has happened before? Could it be the same people? Possibly just watching for you getting more?
                  Urban Escape Blog


                  • #24
                    Yes will take the piccies and look but no promises I can only look!

                    I think maybe next time you should keep them in your own garden - and there will be a next time - you are not defeated!

                    BTW its Jennie - he's at work!!
                    My Blog


                    • #25
                      I can't think of what to say. Well nothing printable anyway. I am really sorry. I wouldn't have thought 5 chickens were worth all the effort they have gone to. Obviuosly nothing is sacred. (((((big hugs)))))

                      P.S. I've just read all of this again and the bit about your little girls being frightened makes me want to cry too.
                      Last edited by frias; 17-07-2009, 09:57 AM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                        Thanks Polly that's really kind - making me cry again! However keeping them at home really isn't an option. I have only very small area - about 30' square and surrounded by houses with equally small gardens - so too close for comfort......
                        Sue, my garden is the same size, and I have 6 chooks all doing well. They have the henhouse and an enclosed run (hardly used) and they now free-range the entire garden. They've got plenty to peck at so we haven't lost much in the way of plants. We are surrounded by neighbours and most of them are fascinated by the chooks. Hattie the Legbar, thinks she's a cockerell but we haven't had any complaints about the noise.

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by julesapple; 17-07-2009, 09:47 AM.

                        Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                        ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                        Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                        • #27
                          That is just terrible for you - we had some ducks taken last year, (from our garden) so I know how you feel...
                          I agree with Julesapple about the local paper helping to get people to be more vigilant around the area? I can't believe someone didn't see something.
                          Look at the amount of support you have here, I am sure you will find the same locally to you.
                          Best of luck Sue, really do feel for you.

                          compost of the future.........


                          • #28
                            The first time that Sue's hens were stolen we were convinced that it was vagrants who were sleeping rough not very far away. This time seems far more targeted so has to be someone who wanted the rare breeds to sell for cash. Our site is fenced and gated but accessible to the determined and athletic who are prepared to climb over the gates. Sue's devotion to all her 'ladies' makes this latest episode all the more devastating.

                            Anyway, I shall be off shortly with tools, flashing blue lights, and hugs to help her!!
                            Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it.


                            • #29
                              Really don't know what to say Sue. I would be heartbroken too. Heres hoping that the culprits get caught, but sad to say thats probably unlikely.
                              Here's hoping they get theirs via karma.

                              (((hugs xxx)))
                              Kirsty b xx


                              • #30
                                Oh Sue, I'm so so so so sorry. Words really do fail me. Dreadful for you and your family.

                                I agree with Sarz - I think Allotment Peeps.

                                Massive Hug to you. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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