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Do I candle?


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  • Do I candle?

    Spotty, one of my ex-batts has been sitting for 15 days now. Is it a good idea to candle? I don't know what I'm looking for and not sure if I want to know if all the eggs are duds. On the other hand I would love to know if there is good news. As you can see I'm a very indicisive person! The eggs are Welsummers so are quite dark brown. Are they easy to candle? Do I wait until she's off the nest or sneak one out? Please will someone tell me what to do!

  • #2
    Leave 'em alone - you'll know if they're good soon enough when you have little cheepy chicks in a week or so!


    • #3
      I always candle, rotten eggs can infect the others by passing bacterial infections on, however dark eggs cab be difficult to candle if you do not have a powerful enough candler (you can improvise candle lamps very easy)

      As for what to look for - Candling Pictures by The Easy Chicken for beginners this has been suggested on here before and its not that bad a page - i would however think that the candler is alittle on teh compicated side!
      My Blog


      • #4
        Well we had a go today but either the eggs are too dark brown to see anything or we are too thick to do it right. (Don't want to think about 3rd option, there's nothing to see) Spotty started sitting on Sat 4th so eggs are due Sat 25th? Is it possible to hear anything yet? I thought I heard scratching but I've had an ear infection and hearing not very good at the moment. DH is hard of hearing anyway so he couldn't hear anything. Might be my wishful thinking. I'm starting to get really excited now. I bought the chick crumbs and stones to put in the water. DH is going to put smaller holes netting around broody run as I think netting holes are too big. Any other helpful hints appreciated.


        • #5
          Get the champers on ice!


          • #6
            Get four candles!
            A simple dude trying to grow veg.

            BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

            Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

            What would Vedder do?


            • #7
              Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
              Get four candles!
              Ah, that's what I'm doing wrong. I thought it was fork 'andles.


              • #8
                lol frias

                so we are waiting ot hear the pitter patter of tiny claws on saturday then (or maybe a little later) OOOOOO now i'm excited too!!!

                My Blog


                • #9
                  Didn't candle mine, but only cos I didn't have the kit to make a torch thingy to do it with!!
                  I was very twitchy in the last week, but well chuffed when I did get babies.
                  Kirsty b xx


                  • #10
                    One of the eggs had a little triangular crack in it this morning and tonight has a tiny hole. I can't hear anything though and there doesn't seem to be any movement. Not a lot of opportunity to look however as Spotty only gets off the nest for a couple of mins. I hope she knows what she's doing as I have no idea what to expect now. Not sure if she broke the egg or if the chick can't get out or if it has died or if this is usual. Don't know whether to be really excited or worried. Will just have to keep my fingers crossed and wait to see what tomorrow morning brings.


                    • #11
                      Calm down - its about the right time for "pipping" which is whatthis sounds like - it can be another 24 hours before they hatch.

                      There is not much you can do but let nature take its course and try not to disturb mommy too much in you excitedness, its the same as an incubator you don;t want the temp to drop too much. when they have hatched you will hear them cheeping around then gently lift mommy - VERY gently as they are usually tucked under her wings and when you lift her they can fall, sometimes i've lifted a hen who I know has 6 chicks under her not to be able to see any of them as they are all tucked up!
                      My Blog


                      • #12
                        I'm doing my deep breathing exercises I'm so excited! We heard cheeping and on a little investigation 3 chicks. I'm leaving mum alone today to see if the last 2 hatch. She's not moving anyway, not even for tinned sweetcorn.


                        • #13
                          Yippe - congrats

                          she will not move for probably about 24 hours, she will wait for her babies to be strong enough and give the others chance to hatch - she knows what shes doing.

                          Drinks are on Frias everyone!
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