This could be a long one, apologies. Well someone (you know who Bramble) asked.. looking for winter quarters for my nags I found an unused barn and 1.5 acres to rent. The owner said I was welcome to keep some chooks there and donated 3 ex bats to set me off.
Rosie, Clara and Hilly (after Edmund Hilary the explorer and mountaineer!) Sadly Rosie died at the start of winter, but to cheer me up I was given Tag a xbred cockeral who was very handsome and Kitty another x breed. Then the fox landed
tears flowed, only Kitty survived. But Id just bought an incubator, so I raided the fridge for Hillys eggs (only one laying daily at the time) bought some off ebay and hatched 7 little thugs, sorry darlings. 4 are Hillys the rest are either pekin or orps
pic 1 is the darkest of the 3 whatever (by colour they should be the orps but not sure as thet have feathered legs, or will these disappear as they get older?) 2 is def one of Hills, cockeral I think, with mystery at the back (the oter two have proper chiken tails and got them two weeks ago). 3 is Hillys, poss hen. 4 (hilly) ?hen?
