I'm a bit excited!
Hubbs has decided we'll get some friends for Bokky sooner rather than later! OHMIWORD! You cannot imagine the lists scrolling thro' my head of breeds I'd like! Envious of Julesapple as she has my 'Wish List'! And now Hayleyb has done the same! Would love Cream Legbar, and Wheaten Maran for the egg colours! Also, Lemon Cuckoo Pekin, Buff Plymouth Rock Bantam!
Alas, we'll only get 2 friends and hubbs has decided on hybrids. So, I've rang the poultry centre and they have Skylines and Maran Cuvrees! Yippee! Compromise on the Legbar and Maran - but I shall (hopefully) still get my blue/green egg layer and the chocolate brown egg layer!

Is it evil to be so excited so soon after the passing of Korma?
Hubbs has decided we'll get some friends for Bokky sooner rather than later! OHMIWORD! You cannot imagine the lists scrolling thro' my head of breeds I'd like! Envious of Julesapple as she has my 'Wish List'! And now Hayleyb has done the same! Would love Cream Legbar, and Wheaten Maran for the egg colours! Also, Lemon Cuckoo Pekin, Buff Plymouth Rock Bantam!
Alas, we'll only get 2 friends and hubbs has decided on hybrids. So, I've rang the poultry centre and they have Skylines and Maran Cuvrees! Yippee! Compromise on the Legbar and Maran - but I shall (hopefully) still get my blue/green egg layer and the chocolate brown egg layer!

Is it evil to be so excited so soon after the passing of Korma?
