As you all probebly know we went to by some chooks yesterday and they turned out to be baby chooks and the were very small but we still let them go out with the others. when we went to get them in last night, it was very late as we had gone out to a barbie and most os the chooks had allready put them selfs to bed so got he corn to lure the rest into the stable and I couldn't see any of the babys so looked in the nest box and found three out 4 of them, 2 marans and 1 of the legbars so i shut door so they couldn't gat out and me my mum and my dad looked around all our land to find the tiny black chook in the dark and we couldn't even hear it cheep and we went back to the house and preety much gave this chook up for dead and we had only had them for just over 24 hours 
we couldn't work out what had happerned to it it couldn't have been the cat as there was no legs left to prove it and if the dogs had killed it they wouldn't have eaten it as they have killed many animals and they gust leave the body and there wasn't a body anywhere and we left he dogs out to stop any foxes and a fox wouldn't kill just one baby chook, my mum blamed the dogs or the cat though.
In the morning i got up early to see if i could find the baby chook theat i named baby gray and i walked in to the stable yard and there was baby gray next to the mounting block but we had looked all around last nght then i went into the stable yard and baby gray hid behind the mounting block and i had to dig her out and I took her back to her sisters and they were very happy to be reunited and now we have suppurated them and hey are in a different stable and I made them a perch and a little house and a trough upside down with a ramp in ther to keep them entertained for the next 6 weeks but i was surprised she wasn't taken by a fox in the night my dad reanamed her aggie after agather cristy so we name the other legbar crissy and we named my favourite one kok�h�axa prononced cocohaxa (cheyenne for chicken) and the the other maran who is the big bossy feather eater atilla.
I think we may have one luckyer chook though... mini who survived the battery farm, survived almost haveing her head chopped of by joy (my puppy) and survivind a stroke.

In the morning i got up early to see if i could find the baby chook theat i named baby gray and i walked in to the stable yard and there was baby gray next to the mounting block but we had looked all around last nght then i went into the stable yard and baby gray hid behind the mounting block and i had to dig her out and I took her back to her sisters and they were very happy to be reunited and now we have suppurated them and hey are in a different stable and I made them a perch and a little house and a trough upside down with a ramp in ther to keep them entertained for the next 6 weeks but i was surprised she wasn't taken by a fox in the night my dad reanamed her aggie after agather cristy so we name the other legbar crissy and we named my favourite one kok�h�axa prononced cocohaxa (cheyenne for chicken) and the the other maran who is the big bossy feather eater atilla.
