Found my first lot of red mite today, feeling a bit guilty for my chickens as I've let my cleaning process slip a bit- due to all the work I have going on in our house.
thought things were a bit off as I've been having soft eggs for a while from one, but now either my bluebell or warren is laying softies.
Stupidly composted all the bedding etc before checking, but when I removed the perch I found two colonies about 20p in size on both ends. Talk about freakng out
I cleaned/squashed all I coud see, then not having any of he recommended products available have creocoted the perch ends and parts where the perch resst on.
The only thing I can do now is leave the coop open all night and try and block them from going in there - perhaps with some netting - ill let them roost on a branch I have laying around.
Just ordering a load of stuff now to make sure I've plenty in stock. It hung all over, binned all the clothes I had on (outside bin), boiling hot showery and disinfected my self heh.
Thought they were a bit large to be red mite, but have looked online and they look the same.
No birds have them on them, and can't see anymore somim hoping it was just the start of them.
thought things were a bit off as I've been having soft eggs for a while from one, but now either my bluebell or warren is laying softies.
Stupidly composted all the bedding etc before checking, but when I removed the perch I found two colonies about 20p in size on both ends. Talk about freakng out

The only thing I can do now is leave the coop open all night and try and block them from going in there - perhaps with some netting - ill let them roost on a branch I have laying around.
Just ordering a load of stuff now to make sure I've plenty in stock. It hung all over, binned all the clothes I had on (outside bin), boiling hot showery and disinfected my self heh.
Thought they were a bit large to be red mite, but have looked online and they look the same.
No birds have them on them, and can't see anymore somim hoping it was just the start of them.