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Red (Black) mites


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  • Found my first lot of red mite today, feeling a bit guilty for my chickens as I've let my cleaning process slip a bit- due to all the work I have going on in our house.

    thought things were a bit off as I've been having soft eggs for a while from one, but now either my bluebell or warren is laying softies.

    Stupidly composted all the bedding etc before checking, but when I removed the perch I found two colonies about 20p in size on both ends. Talk about freakng out I cleaned/squashed all I coud see, then not having any of he recommended products available have creocoted the perch ends and parts where the perch resst on.

    The only thing I can do now is leave the coop open all night and try and block them from going in there - perhaps with some netting - ill let them roost on a branch I have laying around.

    Just ordering a load of stuff now to make sure I've plenty in stock. It hung all over, binned all the clothes I had on (outside bin), boiling hot showery and disinfected my self heh.

    Thought they were a bit large to be red mite, but have looked online and they look the same.

    No birds have them on them, and can't see anymore somim hoping it was just the start of them.


    • Ouch. Thats �70 gone in a few clicks...


      • Don't panic, doesn't sound very bad. If you've only had to creosote the ends of the perches then the birds can go back in as long as the ends are dry. It's when you've done larger areas you need to keep them out. You can leave the pop hole open for extra ventilation as long as the outer run is secure.


        • Horrid things. I needed to restock up on some products anyway, fingers crossed it was just the start.

          Will pop out after dark to have a look with a torch

          Edit: no signs so far.. Will do another clean tomorrow and check again
          Last edited by chris; 02-09-2012, 09:01 PM.


          • "Talk about freakng out I cleaned/squashed all I could see" I went crazy too and lost my expensive new glasses in the process! Still haven't found them Watch out for mites in the knots of the wood of the perches.


            • How long do you have to keep them out of the coop after you've creosoted? I've got a tin somewhere and plan on doing it as a precaution over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Thx
              sigpicGardening in France rocks!


              • HI there, I had red mite and think i've kicked their habit! Cleaned everyday for 7 days then left it for a couple of days and then cleaned again. I've let them have only paper on the floor and shredded paper for bedding so each day it can be removed completely without cost. I seem to have won the small battle but we will see


                • Originally posted by kathyd View Post
                  How long do you have to keep them out of the coop after you've creosoted? I've got a tin somewhere and plan on doing it as a precaution over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Thx
                  Just until it's dried off. Depending on how large an area you've done (ie how many cracks and crevices) you may need to leave the hens out for 2 or 3 days to allow fumes to disperse. But if you've just painted ends of perches and corners they are usually ok to go in same day as long as wood is dry.


                  • When I was a poultry farmenr 40 years ago we used to spray red mites with parrafin, with the birds still in place, it did the trick.
                    photo album of my garden in my profile


                    • Just found lots of redmites in the chook kennel
                      Reading this thread, I can see that a spell of hot weather can trigger an infestation.
                      Just working out my plan of attack - probably need a trip to a farming place.
                      Any recommendations before I spend?


                      • Update on the red mites
                        The chook kennel has been dismantled and removed from the chook run.
                        Each piece has been scrubbed with bleach (the one that kills all known germs - dead). Its also good at adding interesting highlights on my black trousers and shirt
                        Bleach washed off and the pieces are air-drying.
                        I'll burn the perch and bedding.
                        Tonight the chooks can sleep in the seedling GH and tomorrow I'll buy some sort of treatment for them.
                        Recommendations welcome


                        • I just use the red mite powder on the chooks themselves. You can liberally sprinkle it on them and also put loads in their mud bath.


                          • Is that Diatomaceous earth or one of the branded Red mite powders, Scarlet?
                            After all these years of off and on chook keeping its the first time I've seen an infestation like this! Saw them before when I used a wooden chook shed and then we painted it with pseudo creosote.


                            • It's personal choice I think but if I see them I prefer to use the red mite powder. I know the diatom supposed to do the same job but I think the powder works best for an infestation and the diatom in my case is used as more of a preventative.

                              Barrier Red Mite Powder 500g


                              • It's been really hot and muggy - the perfect weather for them


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