As it was a nice day here (for a change) and Number 1 daughter and 2 of her daughters were going to put the new shed/coop up for me, I decided to give the coops their weekly "bottoming" and scrub a few days early. O M G!!!!!!!!!
Took the perches out of Basils coop and HUGE red patches of mites on each end of both of them!! Honestly, if I'd seen it on anyone elses coop I'd have thought it hadn't been cleaned for months let alone treated! The ex-batts coop and perches were fine, no sign of mites in there. Anyway, both coops have been stripped out completely, scrubbed with ***** fluid, blow-torched on every surface, nook, cranny, join, screw head etc, drenched thoroughly with double strength red mite stuff, powdered all over with louse powder and all fresh new bedding put in. I can understand now why people are feeling ashamed that they've got an infestaion - I'm shocked and horrified with myself even though I know I'm good at looking after my girls and boys. So, PLEASE don't beat yourselves up about it, it happens to us all unfortunately.
By the way, the perches will be scrubbed with ***** fluid again in the morning and another liberal dosing of the red mite stuff each day till I go away, then go through the whole procedure again when I get back. My poor babies having to put up with all that lot!!

By the way, the perches will be scrubbed with ***** fluid again in the morning and another liberal dosing of the red mite stuff each day till I go away, then go through the whole procedure again when I get back. My poor babies having to put up with all that lot!!
