I entered some of our chicken and duck eggs in a local agricultural show on Saturday, and managed 2nd AND 3rd with the duck eggs (Khaki Campbell and Runner Duck eggs)
Am very pleased
Ducks and chooks got a whole tin of sweetcorn on Saturday night, plus the strawberry tops from tea, plus some pasta and lentils!
Plus, OH has agreed to some more chickens, given that our original hens are nearly 3 now and have slowed down their lay quite a bit. We are hopefully going to get some in the middle of August when we get paid.
We've decided on hybrids again, as our Welsummers have been (seperately) broody for months, whereas the hybrids haven't. Think we're going for some Sussex-crosses, until I see what else the local hen-farm has!!
Am very pleased

Plus, OH has agreed to some more chickens, given that our original hens are nearly 3 now and have slowed down their lay quite a bit. We are hopefully going to get some in the middle of August when we get paid.
We've decided on hybrids again, as our Welsummers have been (seperately) broody for months, whereas the hybrids haven't. Think we're going for some Sussex-crosses, until I see what else the local hen-farm has!!