As you know- my gals free range and will lay in a couple of places outside- or in one of the nesting boxes in the coop.
Yesterday I found an egg on the ground outside with the pointy end missing, and empty inside.
I could have accidentally left an egg outside when I put the gals to bed- in which case an animal/bird??? of the night might have been lucky enough to have a fresh egg for supper
What I'm wondering is ...what do the remaining shells look like if the egg has been eaten by a chook?
They've never eaten one before so could I tell from the way it's been opened what ate it??
As I said- the pointy end was gone- leaving about 3/4 of the shell- and it must have been completely eaten as there was no trace of any bits lying around.
The shell was completely empty and the edge of the break was very ragged with little bits broken off.
What do you think ate it????
Yesterday I found an egg on the ground outside with the pointy end missing, and empty inside.
I could have accidentally left an egg outside when I put the gals to bed- in which case an animal/bird??? of the night might have been lucky enough to have a fresh egg for supper

What I'm wondering is ...what do the remaining shells look like if the egg has been eaten by a chook?
They've never eaten one before so could I tell from the way it's been opened what ate it??
As I said- the pointy end was gone- leaving about 3/4 of the shell- and it must have been completely eaten as there was no trace of any bits lying around.
The shell was completely empty and the edge of the break was very ragged with little bits broken off.
What do you think ate it????
