I've just seen a great big (well to me anyway) rat helping itself to the food in the broody run!!!
I want to get rid of it (them, 'cos where there's 1 there's more) as quickly as possible. The chicks are due next Monday and I don't want them being attacked by the horrible vermin. What can I use safely in or near the run that will kill the b*****rds and not harm the chicks or chooks please? I'm all of a dither right now, can't think straight, cos I'm petrified of rodents of any kind. I'm really fastidious about not leaving any food around during the night, though I suppose there's always going to be the odd bit of corn or pellets that's got mixed up in the straw etc in the runs. I'm at my wit's end right now. PLEASE SOMEBODY, CAN YOU HELP?
