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Incubator panics-helpppp


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  • Incubator panics-helpppp

    well I rashly decided to stick a second lot of eggs in the inci.
    First off the auto turner jammed, my fault cos I filled it and when I put it in I let it drop right over and it must just have been too heavy? Any way I realised after two days that it wasnt moving, put it a bit nearer the side so it couldnt drop right over and it was fine from then on.
    Then we had a midnight power cut. Know it was off cos the microwave was flashing, but not how long for
    Finally I realised at t-time today that as day 21 is Saturday pm I should have stopped the turner yesterday
    I know that Ive got some fertile growing eggs up till today, will they hatch despite all this? And if they do will not being turned properly etc have damaged them?
    Anyone got any ideas?
    Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door

  • #2
    No idea! The turning is to stop the developing chick from sticking to the shell - yes? If the lack of turning was late enough in the cycle how much harm will it do?

    Good Luck - hope you get loads of lovely healthy chicks

    Last edited by TPeers; 04-09-2009, 06:36 AM.
    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


    • #3
      Fingers crossed everything's going to be fine! Bet you're already listening for cheeping
      My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


      • #4
        the loss of heat is more likely to be a problem than the lack of turning early on. Not stopping the turning may delay things, hopefully not beyond the chicks' ability to wait a while.
        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


        • #5
          later on in the chicks development its humidity that is more crucial than temp, they certainly can be without heat for a while mommy hens get off them for 10 -15 mins a day for food water and toilet and then they cool quickly because they are open to the air - in an incy the temp doesn't drop so quickly due to it being enclosed and in the house so actually they can be without heat for a couple of hours at a push.

          As for turning - a mommy hen doesn't actually stop turning her eggs until they cheep and pip so that is a good day or so after we stop turning them manually. The turning in the earlier stages is to prevent the chick developing strangley due to being glued on one side of the shell and to ensure an even distribution of heat throughout the egg - it depends how early on in the development stage they weren't being turned.

          what will hatch will hatch and that is all that you can do at this stage, I have had so called good incubations where everything worked as it should and no hatches and a bad incubation where the power was on and off for a couple of days and the fuse on the turner went etc etc and got a good hatch! Its fate sometimes I think!
          My Blog


          • #6
            Isn't it a horrid waiting game?!
            You think the three weeks drag,but then come the last day & time seems to stand still!
            If it's any consolation,the first eggs we hatched were under a broody.We thought we'd settled her in her coop for the night,on her eggs,I went to her in the morning to find she'd tossed the eggs all over the place & wasn't sitting on any of them(& it was a cold night)By that lunchtime I succesfully got her back on them & for the next two & a half weeks she was a perfect broody.But then came the mites!She was off the eggs for a good part of the day & then her sis took over.The evening before they were officially due we had five ickle chicks!
            The last time was a little smoother until Dandelion decided to leave the remaining three eggs to tend to her chicks.She had been off them for the day & Andi realised one was cheeping.We did our best to get her back on them with no avail(read URGENT Help!),after much lifting jiggling in the car,no heat,possibly too much heat,being moved from bra to box to innci,Boo survived!
            So,there's hope!!!
            Good Luck & try to step away from the eggs!If they're gonna hatch they will!
            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


            • #7
              I have a still air, manual incubator and have often forgotten, or haven't been here to turn eggs as often as reccomended. I have to guess at the right temperature as no thermometer, also the humidity and I have about an eighty per cent success rate so I shouldn't worry too much. Good luck!!


              • #8

                Happy endings. Eggs due Sat, so Fri went in for something else, checked eggs one pipped, one got beak poking out. Oooo. Fri nite, beak out not moving or calling so whipped him out n sadly dead, but when I took him out of shell the egg sac was outside so maybe had started too young? No 2 now with small hole and yelling blue murder
                Sat am checked eggs cos of peeping. no 2 no change, but one RIR chick up and bouncing and one leghorn well on way to hatched. Sat t-time OH greats me with solem face, and says "u need to check inci" Well...leghorn no further, no2 still and silent but..FIVE chicks bouncing round. 3 RIR and 2 cochin Whips out Leghorn and no2, Leghorn wriggling but stickied to shell so carefully (very) warm bathed till unstuck and clean. Turned to no2 with heavy heart but as I picked him up again he started yelling!! Consulted OH and decided that after 24 hrs of effort there was little to carefully (again) broke away shell from the hole. Discovered membrane was so thick, no wonder he couldnt get out. Removed shell, cleaned him up, and hes back in inci and lively, so fingers crossed. 2 more piping this space
                Attached Files
                Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                • #9
                  Oh Wow!!!So pleased for you!!!xxx
                  Hopefully you'll wake up to two more.
                  Well Done & welcome to the world little ones!xx
                  the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                  Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                  • #10
                    Fabulous news I think I'm going to have to "investigate" the pipped one here too, no progress at all since yesterday morning. Baby chickies are great aren't they
                    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                    • #11
                      Well done!
                      All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
                      For a cleaner, greener future!


                      • #12
                        Aww lovely - how many now?
                        My Blog


                        • #13
                          I spent a part of yesterday evening helping a cream legbar out of its rather tough shell/membrane, only to discover it was a cock! Out of 6 eggs, 5 hatched, 4 of them cocks - sigh!


                          • #14
                            See what mine hatch out to be Richmond - got 12 in, maybe just maybe we will get all hens - then we can combine!
                            My Blog


                            • #15
                              Well as of ten tonight I've got 13 (whooppee)
                              Roughly half n half Rhodies and Buff Cochin, with one single white leghorn (one of the two 'ceasarians'). I'm chuffed to little bits as I thought there was not much chance these would hatch ok. And as they were posted eggs too thats roughly 50% and I wouldn't have thought I'd get better than that anyway. Will add a pici or two tomorrow.
                              Thanks all for your encouragement.
                              RH, just wait, bet all of these turn out to be boys
                              and BP have added your inci notes to my little black book, lol. It'll help with next time.....I didn't really say that did I?
                              Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


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