Our grandson is obsessed with our chickens. He loves to feed them and collect their eggs. Our daughter has a huge back garden with plenty of space, so if I were to have a house and run made for him, what would be the best breed for him to keep? Obviously his mum would be doing the day-to-day care as he isn't old enough for that sort of responsibility, but I know that he'd want to do all he could (under supervision). I'm thinking 3 buff Orpingtons, my daughter suggested banties, but I'm of the opinion that they'd be a bit flighty and when I see Orpies they always look so calm. Any better suggestions? I'd probably buy hatching eggs and let him see them grow from hatching and I'll probably wait until spring so he'll be almost 5 by the time they go to live with him.
Oh, and they've got to be reasonable layers, collecting the eggs is very important to him.
Oh, and they've got to be reasonable layers, collecting the eggs is very important to him.