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Weary ex batt or something wrong?


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  • Weary ex batt or something wrong?

    There's something not right with my ex batt Cinnamon. She's always been a sort of round chicken, never really had much of a neck if you know what I mean, but now not only is she sort of inflated looking, but she's waddling slowly instead of walking.

    She's never laid in the time Ive had her (since last April), her backside is dirty but they've only recently been wormed. She had sour crop a couple of months ago so I know its not that. When I feel her crop it feels ok, but what I think is a bit further up, feels like a sharp bit, almost in the throat area. She's eating fine (like a pig in fact!) and drinking ok. She's not fat by any means though.

    Ive attached a photo I just took of her today after she'd had a sit on my knee, she's a bit clumbsier than normal and occasionally Ive had to lift her into the house as when she's tried to jump, she's missed her footing (why she doesnt use the ramp I dont know). Does her wing look right? Her tail is definitely lower than it used to be. She used to be quite bossy, now doesnt really hang around with the other girls, preferring to stay near the feeder/drinker. She's has days where she seems miserable and weary, then other days trots around a bit more. She doesnt really bother scratching about anymore, could that be why she's eating more from the run? She doesnt even seem to have her dust baths now either and is looking very shabby.

    They free range from about 5.30pm til bedtime during the week and all day Saturday and Sunday.

    Could this be her slowing down or is there anything anyone can suggest that might be wrong. Ive just got this feeling. Have tried some poultry spice in her food, not sure its made any difference. The other four girls are happy and destructive as normal, its just this little girl.

    Any advice gratefully received, have attached the photo in case it helps!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I haven't a clue, Suzy, but she definitely doesn't look right at all. I hope someone can help, she looks like she's a very pretty hen when well.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


    • #3
      her wing looks normally feathered, but is carried a bit low. she appears to have a very full crop. was the photo taken at the end of the day or mid way through? i wouldnt expect her crop to be that full mid afternoon unless he has been gorging on pasta or similar treats.

      she definately looks "bogged off". can i suggest that you gether to a vet? if its a general internal thing (you suggested something in her crop) then it is beyond the scope of a poultry keeper (now matter how long in the tooth or skilled they think that they might be) to dig down inside the hen!

      also her feathers look a bit ruffled which is generally a isgn that something is bothering her. if you can rule out mite, lice parasite and external inluences such as over exposeure to freshly creosoted wood, fumes, interferance from other pets / animals then i am afriad its off to the vet for an MOT
      My Blog


      • #4
        The photo was taken just before I posted. Her crop doesnt feel full except for the sharp bit that I wish I could describe better. It doesnt feel like anything I could massage down, so Ive not tried to in case it damages her. The only thing other than pellets/mash she's had this morning is some melon.

        We have red mite at the moment ( who doesnt!) but its under control and thankfully on its way out. I cant see any lice on her and as mentioned they've all recently been wormed.

        I think its a vet job isnt it. She is very pretty when well, the perfect 'hen' shape as I'd call it, albeit with her short neck


        • #5
          Ive got an appointment at 3.30 today, just need to find something to put her in, a cat carrier should be ok shouldnt it?


          • #6
            yep - we always use cat carriers with a bit of newspaper. let us know how she gets on
            My Blog


            • #7
              Well, Ive come back without her

              The vet said she was just on her way out, and would have just probably died over the next couple of days. He looked over her and just said where she should have had muscle, she didnt, hence feeling her boney bits and said it was just her time, which I sort of had a feeling about anyway.

              He was very nice about it, explained to myself and the kids what would happen and how she wouldnt suffer etc. We are just happy she had a brilliant 5 months with us after a crap start to life.


              • #8
                real sorry to hear. But at least she learnt to scratch and dust bath etc and enjoy her retirement
                Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                • #9
                  Only just read this - but was she listing to the left? She looked like she might have had a stroke.

                  Sorry you lost her.

                  The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                  • #10
                    So sorry to hear that she's had to go. She did get the chance to be a proper chicken before she went though. Big hugs {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}} hun
                    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                    • #11
                      She did look rather miserable - I'm so sorry
                      The Hen House


                      • #12
                        Sorry to hear Suzy. Lost one of mine with a "waddling gait". She was very swollen underneath and probably had a tumour so had her PTS as you did. Good to know your girl went with dignity and had a lovely few months doing proper chickeny things with you.


                        • #13
                          So sad to read this SuzyB, its never easy to say goodbye to an animal you've rescued and given a good home to.............
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #14
                            Suzy - sorry to hear. You did the right thing by going to the vet - this way she didnt suffer, and got to have a proper chicken life.
                            My Blog


                            • #15
                              Sorry to hear about Cinnamon. Some of these ex-batts just aren't with us for long. At least she had some happiness and freedom in her life. (((((Big hug)))))


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