...how many hens I have space for that is.
We currently have two hen houses (only one in use) - one is 2'6" x 3' and the other 2' x 3'6"
at the moment we have 3 hens with another 3 or 4 arriving Tuesday. The local free-range farm has some hens for sale at the moment and I would like to save some from the inevitable so I really need to know how many girls I can house with the space we have.
I was going to buy a 6 x 4 overlap shed from Homebase but Madmax reckons it isn't worth �109 and won't be any good for keeping chooks in.
Can anyone help me please as I just can't get my head round the square feet and all that
(sorry having a bad math day)
We currently have two hen houses (only one in use) - one is 2'6" x 3' and the other 2' x 3'6"
at the moment we have 3 hens with another 3 or 4 arriving Tuesday. The local free-range farm has some hens for sale at the moment and I would like to save some from the inevitable so I really need to know how many girls I can house with the space we have.
I was going to buy a 6 x 4 overlap shed from Homebase but Madmax reckons it isn't worth �109 and won't be any good for keeping chooks in.
Can anyone help me please as I just can't get my head round the square feet and all that
