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I can't work it out...


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  • I can't work it out... many hens I have space for that is.

    We currently have two hen houses (only one in use) - one is 2'6" x 3' and the other 2' x 3'6"

    at the moment we have 3 hens with another 3 or 4 arriving Tuesday. The local free-range farm has some hens for sale at the moment and I would like to save some from the inevitable so I really need to know how many girls I can house with the space we have.

    I was going to buy a 6 x 4 overlap shed from Homebase but Madmax reckons it isn't worth £109 and won't be any good for keeping chooks in.

    Can anyone help me please as I just can't get my head round the square feet and all that (sorry having a bad math day)
    Happy Gardening,

  • #2
    How long are the perches in the houses Shirley? one hen per 8-9". Having seen your set up I'd say that you probably have enough space for about 8-10 birds. If Max can contrapt an extra perch for one of the houses, setting it about 9" away from both the first perch and the wall of the house you could add more. There is more than enough space in the run for about 12 birds.
    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


    • #3
      The squarer house has two perches 2'6 long but I guess we could play with that to get more length

      The other house has no perch at the moment (not in use) but could have one 3'6" perch. Nest boxes are liable to pose the biggest restriction at the moment but I am sure we could cobble up about 4 (if that makes any big difference)
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        Oh well, I have done it!

        Picking up 6 ex free range hens next Saturday!!!
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          Whooohooo good on you Shirl

          I'm thinking about using old washing-up bowls as nest boxes in the Wellies coop (when they start laying) with the intention of taking them out at night so they don't sleep in them, and putting them back in the morning when I open up the coop
          My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


          • #6
            8' 6" of perch = approx 12 hens. You're fine!

            12 hens need 3 nest boxes on the 1 nest per 4 hens rule.
            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


            • #7
              Originally posted by MaureenHall View Post
              Whooohooo good on you Shirl

              I'm thinking about using old washing-up bowls as nest boxes in the Wellies coop (when they start laying) with the intention of taking them out at night so they don't sleep in them, and putting them back in the morning when I open up the coop
              The only problem I see with that Maureen is that they are relatively light and if you get one of the girls perching on the edge as they get in they may well tip it over. You might need to find a way of fixing it in place so it is stable. I use old washing up bowls for drinkers and if they get a bit low on hot days the birds sometimes put a foot on the edge and hey presto, upturn the whole thing - and I know, I know, I should put a stone or something weighty in the bottom but generally they are full of water and they are fine.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MaureenHall View Post
                Whooohooo good on you Shirl

                I'm thinking about using old washing-up bowls as nest boxes in the Wellies coop (when they start laying) with the intention of taking them out at night so they don't sleep in them, and putting them back in the morning when I open up the coop
                Tesco's mop buckets are a good shape for nest boxes. My girls won't use them though as I think they feel slippy.
                Since the dreaded red mite I've been using smallish cardboard boxes on their sides and just burning them when they get scratched thro or dirty. Works well for me.


                • #9
                  What a brill idea thanks Terry, I can easily take the perch out of the 3'6" wide coop and put cardboard boxes in for them to lay in!!!
                  Happy Gardening,


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