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Lovely hens, but when will we have eggs?


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  • Lovely hens, but when will we have eggs?

    Hi all - Nancy, Edith and Barbara - my cream legbars bought in June - are all doing great, enjoying their rabbit-palace home, and running around on the patio and jumping about in the flower pots. Barbara and Edith are quite placid, but Nancy is the wild one - running up behind them, tweaking tail feathers and running away again, chasing sparrows and flies and generally getting into mischief, and living up to the 'nutty' reputation of CLs. They are quite friendly and will feed from my hands. They don't like being picked up, but are happy being held and stroked once the picking up bit is done, especially Nancy.

    I love having hens, but am wondering - shouldn't we be having eggs by now? From what I've read, the age to start seems to be anything from about 18 weeks to about 32 weeks, and I gather it is down to the amount of light too. Mine are about 27 weeks old, have red combs and wattles, Nancy's big and floppy - the other two a bit smaller. I've recently noticed a bluey-green tinge to their earlobes, which indicates egg colour - does it also indicate eggs soon?

    They have a darker nesting area in the house, which would have been the rabbit bedroom but is divided into two nests of straw - and their perch is in the main room of the house. They like their perch, but don't go into the nests much. They usually get a cup of wild bird-food and a slice of bread between them as treats, the rest of the time its a mix of growers and layers pellets, and greens - grass, weeds etc. Is that too much treats? Has anyone else had cream legbars maturing this time of year? Are there any signs to watch out for, or any tips to get them started? Any advice gratefully recieved.

  • #2
    It sounds as if they're about the right age at least There's a few ways to tell if she's about to come into lay (or ready to anyway). One is to put your hand on her back, if she crouches down, then that's an indication that she's ready to receive a cockerel (if she sticks her bum in the air as well, she's a hussy ) Another way is when you hold your girls, put your hand between the legs, toward the back and you should be able to feel the pelvic bones. If the gap between the pelvic bones is 3 - 4 fingers wide, then she's ready, any less than this and she's still got a bit more to go. The days are becoming shorter now so it may be that they don't lay now until Spring - but hey, this is chickens we're talking about and not all of them have read the instruction manual
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Ah - thanks for that. Can't tell whether any of them are hussies :-D because they all duck off when I go to put a hand on their backs. However, with the other method, Nancy and Edith are just about three fingers but Barbara only two. So maybe they've got a bit to go yet. No eggs til Spring? better make sure they don't set eyes on that instruction manual...


      • #4
        I think I'd be giving them just Layers pellets rather than growers. You could cut out the treats too - just give them the green stuff not the bird seed or bread. Fat hens don't lay!
        Are you sure they're not laying away from the house? If they free range unsupervised they could have decided where they want to lay rather than where you want them to! The pelvic bones are well open enough - my Warrens are barely 2 finger widths and have been laying nearly 2 weeks.
        The first egg will be lovely - envious of your girls!


        • #5
          Hmmm - I don't think they have laid anywhere else but will keep an eye on those nooks and crannies, and start cutting back on the treats.
          This morning I put a couple of smooth eggish shaped stones in the nests to drop a hint, wondering if hens are really that daft - then got very excited for a second later this evening, when I had a look, momentarily forgetting about the stones!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gro-Bag View Post
            Hmmm - I don't think they have laid anywhere else but will keep an eye on those nooks and crannies, and start cutting back on the treats.
            This morning I put a couple of smooth eggish shaped stones in the nests to drop a hint, wondering if hens are really that daft - then got very excited for a second later this evening, when I had a look, momentarily forgetting about the stones!
            I got all excited too when I thought the Bluebelles had laid, then I remembered I'd put 2 false eggs in the nest box that morning And we say chickens are thick?
            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


            • #7
              Tee-hee - glad I'm not the only one!!



              • #8
                Hey - guess what I found in the nests perfect little blue-green egg...TA-DAA!!!!


                • #9
                  congrats to your girls!
                  Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                  The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                  Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                  • #10
                    Aaah! Congratulations! May it be the first of many!! (always an exciting surprise)
                    Gardening forever- housework whenever


                    • #11
                      Thank you chicken people. Today...three little eggs!!! And we're off...
                      They are soooo delicious. I'm going to have one on my risotto in a minute.
                      Oh, and Nancy has become a hussie, lol.


                      • #12
                        lovely ain't it. Always a mini treasure hunt every time you collect eggs!
                        Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                        The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                        Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                        • #13
                          I'm guessing that Nancy sticks her bum in the air when you touch her back then Saucy madam!
                          My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                          • #14
                            Yay!I take it today was your first three out of three?Congrats!
                            Our two CL's are eighteen weeks today,so although I'm pretty sure they won't start now until the New Year,it's got to that exciting point where any time soon we could open the coop to a lil blue egg or two!They still seem pretty small,so not sure if they are rather late developers?
                            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                            • #15
                              Yes - I was wondering who'd laid that first egg - and now I know they're all laying.

                              Nancy has decided she likes me and started coming up for cuddles. And then crouching with her wings out a bit - and sticking her bum up when I stroke her. So I suppose she likes me that way


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