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Am I too late for hatching eggs this year?


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  • #31
    As long as you have either an Auracana cockerel you can cross it with anything you like to get the blue egg layers methinks?

    I know where I can get an Auracana trio for 25 nicker ..........but I've turned them down once!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #32
      If you ever fancied a trip down South,you can have one of our Legbar boys!...although you would be depriving us of Christmas dinner!
      the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

      Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


      • #33
        Are they going to make the weight do you think? Our legbar boys look more like bantams at the moment, although I did see their father when I went to pick up the eggs and he was a big lad.

        I'm toying with the idea of putting one of our Araucana cross cocks with the legbar ladies next year, to see what I get.


        • #34
          hahahaha - our christmas dinner is a turkey - shes getting to be quite a nice size now - hopefully she will be about 14lb come christmas.

          I'm having one of Richmonds boys, she lives near to mikes mom, however we do pass pretty close by yours on our way to Norfolk, (well not that close Ely) but closer than we are here in Stafford!!!
          My Blog


          • #35
            ahem - Jennie - how many more runs do we need? at this rate i need to build "vertical" housing to accommodate any more breeding plans. Maureen - i am giving you control of Jennifers spending habits on Thursday night!

            anyone got any "henscraper" housing plans???
            My Blog


            • #36
              Our Legbar boys are definately a lot smaller than the Norfolk Grey...he's getting pretty close I think.
              Sadly,the chappie that's making the noise...Pip our only named & turned out to be a little still smaller than your average chicken nugget!(he's a Brahma Bantam if anyone's interested?...Jennie,if Mikes already got to build a few new coops,a little bantie sized one would only take him minutes!!!
              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


              • #37
                Don't get me involved in what Jennie spends!!!!! Better hide her purse and the cheque book Can you hide mine at the same time please
                My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                • #38
                  I have already downloaded the schedule and got busy with a highlighter - mike nearly fainted - but I explained tha they were looking at birds not buying birds ............

                  There are some nice things listed - pair of dodgey looking vorwerks though

                  I have promised him faithfully I will behave - I however didn't specify if I would behave like a good girl or badly
                  My Blog


                  • #39
                    Just had a look at the catalogue - there's a heck of a lot there isn't there!!! might not get home till after dark
                    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                    • #40
                      you won't its a 9:30 finish usually

                      Vendors do not get paid out the same day either - so you don;t have to hang around for your money!
                      My Blog


                      • #41
                        the cafe is good value though maureen. you can usually egt a good meal in there for under �4 with a cuppa. sit down or take back to the car - your choice!

                        kids always pester for a bacon sarnie and a can of pop.

                        Usual Order of service:
                        Caged Birds
                        Extra Large Cages
                        Boxed Poultry
                        Dead Stock - houses feeders etc

                        Plenty to look at there too, Moorland Poultry will be there for sundries and farmgate feeds, and there is usually other stuff like craft stalls too
                        My Blog


                        • #42
                          oh no I've gone and put a bid on Araucana eggs on ebay they have blue and green ones it never crossed my mind to have them untill this thread. Snadger you have a lot to answer for


                          • #43
                            Snadger certainly does have a lot to answer for!!!! I accidentally got some more Jersey Giant eggs ......................... oooooooooooops Mind you, they are for a project my friends and I are going to try
                            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                            • #44
                              my shopping list for next year is a 'eck of a lot longer now too. Trying desperately trying to keep it to a wish list!
                              Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                              The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                              Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                              • #45
                                ha ha I bet Snadger put this thread up just to see how many people he could intice into getting more hens


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