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Banty chick behaviour


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  • Banty chick behaviour

    The lavender pekins that hatched a couple of weeks ago are acting competely different to the other chicks I've hatched. The hatch didn't go very well with only three hatching and one of those died shortly after so we only ended up with 2 but they are very active. For now they're in a plastic box in the kitchen which is what I've used for the others I've hatched but I've had to put a towel over the top so they dont get out!

    They seem to be fighting all the time too. It can't be because they're 2 cockerels already can it? I thought all of that behaviour began when they hit the pol/crowing stage?

    Is this normal banty behaviour?
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  • #2
    Not sure about the Bantams it may just like with people different chickens have different temprements. I hatched some rir and some warrens and the warrens where crazy they where fighting all the time and always getting out. Jumping over the cardboard circle I had them in then jumping on a chair to get out of the top door of the stable. Once moved outside they kept and keep jumping over the electric fence. I just let them get on with it now but the RIR always stayed where they where supposed to.


    • #3
      I find that my pekins do try to jump out of whatever I have them in, we made up mesh lids to fit over our plastic stacker crates, make the wooden frame a little larger than the box so it fit over it and drops down the side, then put wire mesh or pond netting or anything like that over it, you just lift it off when you need to get to them, although they will jump out as soon as you take it off. with this method they still get natural day and night and ventilation.

      As for the fighting, its not necessarily two cocks that will fight, they are probably fighting because there are just two of them, all chicks squabble it just somehow seems worse when there are only a couple in my experience. Can have a look later for you and sex them if you like!
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      • #4
        When we did our first hatch at home all of the Norfolk Greys would fight loads & we had to put something over the top of their box to stop them escaping.Turned out we had just two boys & three girls.
        I'm not sure if it's proper fighting at that age or more play fighting amongst siblings.
        Another solution to them escaping,if you're going to be hatching again,is to keep them in an indoor guineapig cage.Being plastic based it's a doddle to keep clean & with the metal top means no chance of getting out.Not sure of how great it would be if you had several,we've just got Boo & Roo & at this size it could easily accomodate two or three more.
        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


        • #5
          Thanks for your replys everyone. They are very entertaining at the mo and because they so much character OH and the kids will be gutted if these are boys.

          Thanks Bramble. Will PM you
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