I want to mix the 7 week old chicks and mum with the laying ladies as soon as possible. I have been to 3 suppliers to get growers pellets without medication but have been unable to source any. I was able to find a pet shop selling unmedicated chick crumbs but they don't sell the growers. Stockists that do say the medication is there as the chicks need it. Has anyone else had problems getting unmedicated or I wondered if I only found out it was medicated because I asked. Obviuosly the layers will eat the growers too once all in together and I thought they shouldn't have the medication because it might get into the eggs. Sometimes I do regret letting the broody sit.
Especially as I still haven't found homes for the 3 boys. 
Also would some kind and clever person do a sticky on how to post photos. I would love to but was born too soon for all this technical stuff!

Also would some kind and clever person do a sticky on how to post photos. I would love to but was born too soon for all this technical stuff!
