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Damaged foot - Bleeding!


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  • #16
    Oh yes I certainly do, shes a little sod. How the heck with fast approaching 150 am I supposed to blinking remember their names and the reply to that is "you can be such a dumb blonde then mummy its easy!" she then proceeds to explain to me how one has a slight different shade of barring to the second from last feather on the right hand side - WTF!!!

    Oh well what can I say!!
    My Blog


    • #17
      lol kids! grow up so fast in the attitude department these days don't they. Was busy telling dd off(4yrs old) and asked her what were those things on the side of her head...ears daddy.... well please use them then.... can't daddy the batteries need replacing(said with a dead pan straight face)... to which I then battled to finish telling her off ....Wrapped around 'er lil finger I am...
      Never test the depth of the water with both feet

      The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

      Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


      • #18
        My darling son is a sweetie too - someone I was chatting to said to me I had lost the plot to which he quickly replied she can't have lost the plot she never had it in the first place - dead pan and as quick as you like straight off the cuff - little bloody sod!!!

        yes well what can I say all daddies are wrapped around little girls fingers its in teh rule book - which being a man I'm sure you never read!!!
        My Blog


        • #19
          lol at you son

          OI I resemble that remark! lol don't worry I know where I fit in the rankings and it's beneath the cats and the chickens and when she gets her fish tank it'll be beneath the fish too

          *whispers yup I know and could not wait to be wrapped around her finger - men do know but don't like letting on they do *
          Never test the depth of the water with both feet

          The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

          Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


          • #20
            yeah i know - its girls and their dads and boys and their moms - its a tale as old as time!!!

            Don't laugh at my son he needs no encouragement - but you can see what i have to deal with - I'm supposed to be in charge - I'm the mom!!!!

            Mike will freely admit he is bottom of the food chain below every other living thing in this house (and thats a long list!) secretly he doesn't mind
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